Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Attention all local educators!!!

Ready for some food, fun, and some great conversation? And it won't cost you a thing except an evening of your time.

On August 5, GAP (the Great Adventure Project, a Christian organization here in St. Francois Co.) wants to do something nice to honor our local educators and provide some possibly valuable information at the same time. We are personally inviting you and all of your administrators, teachers, and classified staff to a dinner at The Bridge Community Church in Leadington at 6:00. The dinner is free, and this is NOT a fundraiser. This is just an evening for you to enjoy with other educators as we eat, have some music, some (hopefully hilarious) drama, a couple of speakers, and hopefully just some time to hang out. The speakers will be three Constitutional law attorneys from the St. Louis area who will be giving a short presentation on what educators can actually do Constitutionally in terms of dealing with ANY religion in the public school setting. There will be a Q & A to follow which should be very interesting. I think that you will thoroughly enjoy the evening, and it is being provided without any cost to the first 300 educators to respond with a RSVP. Right now, we will not be able to handle spouses for the evening because we are expecting a big response from educators. Please include your e-mail address with your RSVP and let us know if you would like for your spouse to attend, and we will contact you if there are some seats left. Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you know that is in education.

Please RSVP to Tim Gray, GAP, at timgray22@gmail.com. Or call at 573-518-1131. E-mail is better. On your RSVP, include your two favorite JOY-FM (99.1) songs. The live music for the evening will be the highest requested songs.

If you RSVP, please show up or cancel. Our food people need an accurate count. Money that we don't spend here will build a home in Haiti or turn someone's electricity on in St. Francois County -- that is the kind of thing that GAP does. The dinner will not be fancy as GAP does a tremendous amount of local missions in feeding the hungry, turning on necessary utilities for the poor, and handling transportation for educational opportunities, jobs, and addictions ministries, and there is a significant cost to those efforts. However, we think that spending some resources to feed the awesome educators that do such a great job with our kids in the community is well worth it. The evening will be well worth your time to drive over and hang out for a couple of hours.


Tim Gray
The Great Adventure Project