This coming Sunday is going to somewhat be about Judgment Day responsibility. We will give an account on the Day for those that we were RESPONSIBLE for their care and their spiritual well-being in the Gospel. You don't have to show this to anyone, but you might consider who God has put on your list and how well you are doing with that list. I have put mine into six groups because of my responsibility as a pastor, but you might only have three or four. You might want to share this at cell or just pray over it at home with your family, but this is worth your time. We can only day-to-day be responsible for about 30 people at most (15-20 is optimal). Here is my list as an example at a glance (don't be insulted if you are not on here because you probably are indirectly as my day-to-day care of some of these people trickles down to you). Notice that I do not have extended family on here. I am very close to my sister, but I am not going to be held RESPONSIBLE for these two areas with her (may be too hard-headed to let me influence her anyway -- haha -- we will see if she reads my blogs). The first 4 are day-to-day concern, prayer, and responsibility. Everyone should have their missional cell folks on here whether you lead the group or not, or you are probably not understanding the FAMILY identity of cell. Five and six for me are areas that I pray for and I am responsible for, but not day-to-day (would be impossible) Here we go:
1 -- Immediate Family
Kelley, Justin, Taylor, Mom, Juanita
2 -- Missional Cell Coaches
Ben, Lance, Stan Jackson
3 -- Mission Cell Leader Mentees (I coach this group)
Seth Durbin, Josh Massey, Bill Rawson, Brian Hurst, Stan Reiner, Jason Roney, Ken McIntyre
4 -- Board & Staff & Cell Family
Jerry Wallen, Roger Durbin, Tammy Durbin, Meg Reiner, Rob Pierce, Sarah Winch, Brad & Wendy Brown, Jeromy & Julie McDowell, Chris & Cheryl Guthrie, Bill & Amanda Simmons, Nathan & Melissa Bollinger, Paul Pinkston, Heather Jaco, Vickie Forsythe, Ronnie & Angie Buckingham (this group is fluid as some will leave to start cells and we will invite new folks in).
That is 36 people. And, I am failing miserably with some of these folks. I need to love them better. I need to more deeply engage their lives. I need to talk about Jesus more and encourage their Gospel-Centered lives. I need to be more intentional in going on God's mission with them. I need to love them better (yeah, I know that I repeated that one).
5 -- the entire Bridge community & not-yet Christian friends. I pray for and shepherd and love the entire church, but I must prepare and train others for the day-to-day care of this group. Also, I must rub shoulders with folks who do not know Jesus yet in a hope that He will reveal Himself to them.
6 -- the Body of Christ and my extended family. I love the church universal and want to see it grow and prosper. I mentor many leaders in the faith, but I do not care for them day-to-day. I love my family and want to see them in heaven.
Who is on your list? How are you doing with it?
Interesting, huh?
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