We have developed this IDENTITY series at The Bridge that shows our identities as a faith community. There are lots of ID's of every faith community, but for us, they all center around Gospel, Community, & Mission. And, those three all point to the person and work of Jesus. All of our material is online at The Bridge Church Website.
Yesterday, we witnessed these three function in an extraordinary way. Our Imperial Missional Cell (Community) has begun to serve the community on MISSION at a local pregnancy center. A young lady came in to pick up some maternity clothes as she has found herself pregnant with her fourth child. The first three children are 12, 8, and 4. She also got assigned to be counseled, and our cell member and the counselor had the great joy of presenting her the GOSPEL. They talked extensively about the sinless life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection of Jesus for the redemption and restoration of sinners. This young mom was cut to the heart. She repented and believed the Gospel and received Christ.
In all of the tears and laughter of this extraordinary turn of events, it became evident that she has no COMMUNITY. So, she received an invitation to the Imperial cell last night. She showed up with three children in tow and they ate "with glad and sincere hearts." And, we studied the "Apostle's teaching, we prayed, we hung out and talked, we found common ground." (Acts 2). This community scattered, this missional cell family, will be life for her in her pursuit of Christ as she works on Sundays and so her ability to join the large group community gathered will be rare. However, she will be able to go on MISSION with us in her new life of a 'disciple who makes disciples.'
Within 8 hours, we saw the Gospel take root from the Community going on Mission. But, if this young lady had met Christ and not had a place to connect, where would she have gone? Instead, we saw the Community re-introduce the Gospel as the means by which the Holy Spirit will raise up a disciple as she was invited to join a family. This is truly one of the most astonishing things I have seen since planting a church, and I have seen a glorious God do extraordinary things - things that Him famous - Glory to God. Gospel, Community, Mission - all pointing to Jesus - Wow!
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5 years ago