Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday Morning

I had great plans to go in at 6:00 and help set-up this morning, but it just did not happen. Our dear friend Milford Gibbs had chest pains last night (and if you know his history, when he has chest pains, the hospital is a quick destination), and so Kel and I were with him until late. I thought we went to minister to him, but he told us a story (influenced by morphine I am sure) about the fire doors closing to his ER room and the doctor not being able to get to him to work on his situation that was just hysterical. We laughed so hard that all of his buzzers and bells went off and that just made us laugh harder. Not fearing death is a great thing. It looks like he did not have a heart attack, and his chest pain was probably caused by a double order of beef tips at Ponderosa. It was truly an honor to pray with one of my mentors that God restore his health quickly and that Christ be glorified in the process. Then when we got up this morning, our son Flavio (exchange student from Rome, Italy) came upstairs looking like Will Smith in Hitch (swollen up with great big red hives); he was having an allegic reaction to something and so Kel took him to hospital to grab a bed right next to Milford (that should be an interesting conversation).

The great news is that I snuck in some reading from Genesis this morning, prayed for all of you, and prayed that God reveal Himself in some powerful way today in the music, Alan's words, and our fellowship. This is crazy, but it is fun. I will update later in the day.

May Christ be glorified in all that we do today!