My cell family is very diverse. We range from 83-year-old widows to 28-year-old ex-cons. We have married people, divorced people, joyful people, and downtrodden people. We have very spiritually mature and some that are not even sure about the existence of God. We have carpenters, pastors, social workers, welders, teachers, housewives, and folks retired from careers but not from the church.
Matt Phillips is one of this magnificent group of people. He went to prison when he was in the military and he wrote some poetry while he was there. I thought you might enjoy reading his work.
"His Hands"
In His hands,
Is a place of protection
to take away our fears.
A place of comfort
to wipe away our tears.
With His hands,
He provides us strength
to carry us through.
He gives us guidance
in all the things we do.
By His hands,
He created every thing
from His throne above.
He was nailed to the cross
to show us His great love.
His hands,
Redeemed us from the grave
and gives us eternal life.
Cleanses us with His blood
and makes us snow white.
"What I Went Through"
In my home town you rejected me,
My brothers were ashamed.
You tried to confine me
Claiming I was insane.
I did the works of my Father
Before your very eyes,
Yet you called it blasphemy
And thought I told lies.
I was chased from your towns.
My head, it was sought.
You wanted to imprison me
For the Word that I taught.
With a kiss on the cheek
You turned me over to the guards.
Thirty silver coins,
You claimed as a reward.
I was cursed at and spitted on
Sentenced by my own children.
Flogged many times by the whip
My body was stricken.
My hands and my feet,
To the cross were nailed.
While you laughed and joked,
Mocked me and yelled.
Crown of thorns on my head,
Blood soaking in my hair.
My chest was collapsing
While I gasped for some air.
Broken, battered, and bruised.
One step away from death.
I slowly closed my eyes
And took one last breath.
My love was much stronger
Than the pain I went through,
But the choice was all mine,
And I did it For you!
Matthew Phillips
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5 years ago
It has been a joy to see Matt's smiling face at Cell group every week.
He is a very dedicated follower of Christ.
After working 12 hrs. or so in the city he drives straght over to cell group without having time to go home and shower or change clothes.
We don't care about that stuff we are excited about seing him there.
Most people would probably just say "oh I don't have time to come"
But he doesn't try to use that excuse.
God will bless Matt for that.
Awesome. Someone should work with him to get him published. I would, but I don't know where to start. Does anyone know how to get in touch with the Statler's? They have some experience in that arena.
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