In Chapter 4 of IT, Craig Groeschel says that IT churches are focused on a “limited set of targets.” IT churches do not try and do everything – they have laser focus. They know what they are called to do, and they go after IT with tremendous vigor. God blesses faithful churches with IT – “His mysteriously awesome presence, power, and peace."
He then talks about the dangers of ministries losing IT because they get arrogant and focus on something (too many things) other than what God is blessing. Sometimes that happens. Leaders figure that if God blessed the small focus, surely He will bless a bunch of new ministries. They get distracted and IT slips away. We will have to make sure that we do not attempt to do everything. In Luke 10, Martha is trying to do everything when Jesus visited. Jesus rebuked her for being worried about everything. Mary had laser focus and that was what Jesus was looking for. If our church is interested in not having IT, we will take on everything.
At The Bridge we will always only have five ministries: 1) hopefully, the best Sunday morning worship CELEBRATION around, 2) hopefully, the best children’s ministry around (Bridge Kids), 3) hopefully, the best youth ministry around, 4) a CELL ministry that creates disciples, 5) a GAP ministry that fills needs in two international ministries and our target ministry in the local area. That is it; that is our laser focus. There are hundreds of other ministries that have validity, and some of our cell families may become involved in them on the side, but as The Bridge, those are the five that we will attempt to do very well for the glory of God. We will help other churches start men’s ministries, women’s ministries, singles ministries, car ministries, etc., but those five are all that we will ever sink money and staff into. The clearer our vision becomes, it is easier to guard what God calls us to do. To be great at a few things and experience IT, we will have to say ‘no’ to many quality things.
Ministries that have IT, enjoy IT together. There is an unmistakable camaraderie. If the leaders do not have IT, IT will have to be faked. Friendships matter. Staffs need to enjoy each others company and be committed to each other and trust each other. They must be friends. They cannot just put up with each other. Cells must get close and trust each other. Laughter is huge! Staffs and cells with IT love each other. They do life together. Are you meeting with people that you are doing life and ministry together with in social settings? You should go shopping together, to sporting events together, to trainings together. The development of team IT takes time. Craig suggests that you should give refrigerator rights. That means someone can walk in your house and eat out of your refrigerator without asking. Teams from other walks of life should envy our refrigerator rights. Doing life like this creates IT.
There is a problem because America wants to be independent. People do not think that they want to be interdependent. There is no IT in independence. God intended for us to rely on Him and to rely on each other. Not doing either kills IT. Read Ephesians 2:19-21 and see what it says about our interdependence. Read it in the New Living Translation – what does that say to you?
You cannot experience IT alone.
God wants you to share IT.
You will experience IT best when you live out authentic community with God’s people.
Some staffs and some CELLS have IT. When staff members only focus on their particular area of ministry, they kill IT. When a cell family ignores the other members of its cell or worse yet all of the needs of the other cells, they kill IT. Read 1 Corinthians 12 and see what God says about interdependence.
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