Saturday, September 12, 2009

Equal With Roles

Saturday morning prayer musings --
On our "What We Believe" page at The Bridge it says this, "We believe that Jesus Christ, while existing as the Son of God, is also God; he is co-equal with the Father." Later we state, "The Bible is clear that this one and only God is revealed in three eternally distinct persons. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are equal yet distinct within the Holy Trinity." I believe that the preponderance of Holy Scripture supports that fact that the 3 members of the Trinity are equally God -- none superior, none inferior (John 1:1-18). So, as we read in the Gospels that Jesus willingly submitted Himself to the Father, we arrive at an interesting notion that although the three persons of the Trinity are completely equal, they have roles. Jesus prayed to the Father, worshiped the Father, and submitted to the Father. {Luke 10:21-22 John 4:34 John 5:19-28} The Holy Spirit was sent; He was obedient in His role. They are co-equal, but fulfill roles for the benefit of the Kingdom of God -- for the Glory of the God-Head. Jesus was not submitting as an inferior, but as a willfully submitted co-equal (Philippians 2:6-8).

So, when Christ asks us to fulfill our roles in marriage or in the local church as willfully surrendered servants to the Kingdom of God for the glory of the Kingdom, we just take that on with a Christ-like humility. The one that I have been given to love Kelley as Christ loves the church is a bear; as a matter of fact, it is impossible, but with Christ the impossible becomes possible. Headship is never for selfish gain, but for the edification of all. Headship never means superior. It is a role that if abused will carry some of the strongest punishments in Scripture. Accepting roles is just another sign of maturing along the path of sanctification like accepting that I have no rights or possessions.