Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010 – Disciples who make Disciples – Part 4

Concept #5 – Ministry Assignments and Challenges (Jeff's titles, so don't shoot the messenger)
Moms are missionaries. Teens are missionaries. Business people are missionaries.
Dads are ministers. 4th graders are ministers. Volunteers are ministers. All of these people are both. The Bridge is a training ground. We will make sure that you are grounded in Bible to handle your calling as both. And, training will be provided in the classroom. BUT, the best training will happen in the field.

Concept 6 – Intentional
Every disciple of Christ should be being developed into the elder requirements listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. This requires being INTENTIONAL! Since this is the earthly purpose of discipleship, leaders for new missional cells should constantly be being developed. The new groups that form could stay with the same mission or discover a new one.

Concept 7 – Ongoing
Don't stop! Stay with it! God will change people's hearts to make this happen if they just hang around long enough for the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to move. This perseverance that we are responsible for will reveal the reality of Christ in lives. People who have just added Jesus on to their list of priorities instead of making Him and the Gospel their prime affection will play games and not persevere. Whereas, people who are being transformed with true life change will persevere until they get their personal & familia mission figured out. WE MUST PERSERVERE AND FIND A CLEARLY IDENTIFIED MISSION.

Concept 8 – Holistic
Going on mission for Christ will transform all areas of life: Physical – less stress, more exercise (we will have energy from purpose and from God); Emotional – fruit controls emotions; Psychological – thoughts are Gospel-centered, thoughts are in tune with God – HEALTHY; Spiritual – DUH! These all come from our intimacy with Christ while on mission.

This whole thing boils down to discipleship, the becoming more like Christ that I hope that we all seek, comes in a flurry when we make His mission OUR mission!!