Sunday, January 10, 2010

Connection Triggers

OK. Today I gave The Bridge some of my connection triggers that move me into an experience or a connection with God. I talked about how showers remind me of the washing away of my sin, of baptism (the death of the old man and being birthed as a new creation), of the living water of John 4. Any experience with being in water, swimming, whatever moves me toward God. I also talked about eating, that eating brings me to communion -- the bread and the wine -- the body and the blood -- and I am in AWE (love that word) of the risen Christ. CONNECTION. I also mentioned stop lights triggering stop sinning, go to war with sin, stop cussing at the stop light. Nuff said. Noah -- rainbow. Abraham -- circumcision -- HAHA. I want to know what your triggers are. I want to hear from you. What brings you to a connection with our Creator? Hit the comment button and let me know.


Vicki Forsythe said...

I live in the woods so the beautiful scenes of nature really connect me everyday !

When I am I in the presence of my Grandsons I feel a conection not really clear except that I didnt think at one time in my life that I would live to see them grow up and BAM! Got another chance. PTL

And crazy as it seems when I am quiet I am usually connected with God. Praying, thinking and praising Him. I really am soo blessed! My life is in a big CHANGE right now!

Vicki Forsythe said...
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Vicki Forsythe said...

Some how my old Familypass account popped up sorry didnt want you to wonder who this was Vicki Forsythe

Nancy Gibbs said...

Anyone with a beloved pet will understand this one. Milford frequently has trouble sleeping, and he marvels at the fact that our spoiled little dachshound can crawl up on my lap and fall asleep in like 3.2 seconds. And why not? He doesn't worry about how he'll stay warm or if he'll get fed or anything else for that matter. He knows we love him too much not to provide. Kind of reminds you of our Father God's promises to provide for us. So, now, a trigger for me is just watching our little dog fall contentedly asleep, reminding me to just abide in my Father's promises.
Nancy Gibbs

Holly said...

I liked your stop light trigger... I will use that one from now on if you don't

My trigger is nature. Walking down to the bottom of my pasture - watching the wild life - the spring creek running.... Just helps me realize how BIG God is and how small I am and my great need for my Savior.... Also wanted to comment that it was wonderful to see the people (and the band) joining TOGETHER in worship. That was really nice!

Jeanna said...

I, too, have a connection with water! Praying in the shower just feels like God is cleansing me of everything! Another big trigger is nature as I am driving to school in the early morning - the sunrise - fog rising from the water - animals. But now I have 2 more - food and stoplights! Fantastic service yesterday!!!

Anonymous said...

Things that trigger me to Stop & Connect with God. In a larger sense, things in nature like Fire Flies (Lightening Bugs) on a summer evening; the slow rumble of thunder before a storm & Humming birds cause me to stop & briefly connect up with God in reflection of the beauty of the world He has given us to live in. In a smaller more personal sense, (probably because I've never had children of my own), the sight of a baby, so small, perfect, innocent & pure causes me to stop & connect up with God, in total praise for Him, & I commune with Him, which allows me to better understand how we deserve His perfect plan of creation & salvation. The perfect gift of His Son, who died for us on a cross, so that we might have the ability to repent & be forgiven of our sins. Our God is Great... Our God is Good... Glory be to God... Bill Rawson

SzenHill721 said...

Earlier this evening I read out of my Bible to my daughter. I read the chapters and verses that were assigned from the Story of God I session from this past Sunday evening. I also asked her questions about her understanding of the readings, but only from Genesis 1 & 2. I felt those were the easiest because she wouldn't feel overwhelmed. This is connection 1 because as a parent it is my duty to teach my child about God and his lessons on life, otherwise I'd be in big trouble with Him later. Connection 2 came after I put her to bed and did some extra reading in the Bible. It was highly recommended (from Sunday night's session) to read extra chapters and verses. My connection came when I began reading Ecclesiastes 3. The first eight verses literally blew me away. I can only describe the feeling as my heart weeping for joy and my body shivering with excitement to the point where I almost felt like I was leaping on clouds. As I was reading each verse carefully a song immediately jumped in my head. See if you can figure it out. Ecclesiastes 3:1-To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:..." Song verse: "To every thing turn, turn, turn. There is a season turn, turn, turn. And a time to every purpose under heaven." Ever get a song stuck in your head? Now I'm going to have download it from iTunes and add it to my iPhone. WOW!!! Goodnight!