Saturday, April 6, 2013

Checklist for Mission Cell Family Living

I put myself through a checklist for missional cell family (missional community) living yesterday.  This is far from a comprehensive list, but it is a continual battle to learn and then teach out the difference between missional living and "1 hour a week, 1 Bible study a week" living.

Check these out:
1. Did I take time to pray for the members of my missional cell & for the future members of my cell?
Can we really claim to love somebody deeply, as a family member, if we don't pray for them?  I did pray for one specific member of the group this week that is having financial issues.  When we understand community, I understand that their financial woes are my financial woes.  I don't have to stress over them, but understand how the Gospel addresses the stress for us to trust Christ, and let the family know that I care.

2. Did I make contact with the members of my missional cell other than the two hour meeting on Thursday night?
This family thing is 24/7.  This is where we live out the New Testament "one anothers."  You know: serve one another, rebuke one another, love one another....."

3. Did I center my interaction with the missional cell on the Gospel?
The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the centerpiece of all of this interaction.  I don't want to give them good advice; I want to point them to Jesus, to the cross.  I don't want to just pray for them; I want to acknowledge that Jesus is the one to receive glory in HOWEVER He answers the prayers.

4.  Do I even love these people?
Nuff said.  Heart check.

5.  Did I interact with our target mission?
We welcomed new folks into a fresh start missional cell this week, so it is a great time to engage our culture and our missional target which are the neighborhoods around our home and our new church building.  I did ask some folks to come and join us.

6.  Are we planning a party, something social, to make connections with new people and grow our group?
Yes, but are you?  It is a great time to have a neighborhood bbq as the weather changes and engage your neighbors or co-workers with just an invitation to food and drink.

7.  Do I see all areas of my life: work, school, social, play, grocery shopping, etc. as mission opportunities to invite to missional cell?  Where am I developing friendships with non-believers so that they can come into a safe environment and learn about Jesus? And, is this because I truly love these people that I am establishing relationships with or just because I want to have a big group?  A claim to be missional?
We are all loving missionaries all the time.

8. When we did get together this week, did we worship?  Did we learn to obey the commands of God (Matthew 28:20) or in other words Gospel-center the Bible?  Did we get to know our folks better?  Did we point to the Gospel?  Did we seek God in prayer?  Did we just hang out with some food and drink to the glory of God?  Did we observe communion?  Did we love on non-believers in the group without backing off of Biblical truth?  Was there such an excitement about Christ that folks cannot wait to return?  Did we do anything for the children present to teach them the ways of Jesus?

9. Did you have non-believers present?  If not, why not?
We have had in recent weeks, but they did not show up this week, so it is crucial that we make contact this week and love on them in some way.

See how different that is than a Bible study or a Sunday School class.
This thing is hard work, bloody, messy if it is lived out like we see in Scripture, but it is empowered by the Holy Spirit.  And, man, it is worth it when we see people coming to Christ, baptisms, and then disciples making disciples for His fame.


Ronnie said...

It is easy to tell people that your "being missional" but to live it out like you describe is something a lot different. Great stuff!