Five Biblical Principles Concerning Wife's Submission from The Excellent Wife by Marcia Peace
1. A wife is to be submissive to her husband in all things unless her husband asks her to sin.
2. A submissive wife is not afraid to do the "right thing."
3. A wife is to be submissive even if her husband is not a Christian. Editor's note: See #1.
4. A submissive wife does not dishonor the Word of God.
5. A wise wife will seek training and counsel on submission from a godly older woman.
Examples of #1 (must respectfully disobey due to asking wife to sin):
"I forbid you to go to church."
"I forbid you to talk to the children about God."
"I want you to participate in immorality / pornography."
"I forbid you to reprove me."
"Do not tell anyone about my sin. I want you to lie for me."
Comments on #3 as promised:
"When a Christian woman is married to an unbeliever, her responsibility is to live a godly life and respond to her husband with respect. Her attitude should be one of being for him and not against him."
"Sometimes, a wife with an unsaved husband is miserable and frustrated because she may have an idolatrous view of what she thinks her marriage should be like. she might say to herself, 'I'll never be happy unless he becomes a Christian.' Her frustration may be the result of not getting what she wants. Instead of being frustrated, her heart's devotion should turn from her idol of wanting a Christian marriage to devotion of the Lord Jesus Christ in worshipping and serving Him. He alone knows if, when, and how her husband will become a Christian."
Tim's Comments: I usually counsel that there is relatively little chance that an unbelieving husband will call on the Lord by his wife bashing him or trying to coerce him into becoming a follower. However, she can play a huge role in leading him to the Lord by allowing her transformed godliness love him and nurture him well. We must remember that love includes loving Biblical rebukes, but smashing the husband's face with a Bible only makes him bleed while his soul is in danger. The wife should graciously prioritize her schedule to go places with him and his friends. However, she should always draw the line at participating in any personal sin. Even this should be done with respect. The Bible is clear that our love to our unbelieving spouse is a key to them possibly repenting and believing the Gospel. Obviously, basically these same principles are true for a husband that has unbelieving wife.
Maybe later this week, we will provide some tough teaching for the husband from The Complete Husband.
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