Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Advent Conspiracy 2009

Americans spent $450 billion on Christmas last year.
The average family in St. Francois County spent over $1,000 on Christmas with over half of that going onto credit cards that still have not been paid off here in November.

If you have been a part of The Bridge community, you know that every year we attempt to put the focus of the Christmas season squarely back on the Gospel, the great story of redemption that comes through Jesus Christ. Advent Conspiracy has taught us to worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all. In 2007, we sent $12,990 to Chacocente, Nicaragua to help them pay off their water source. In 2008 you gave $14,756! We sent 1/2 to Chacocente and set 1/2 aside for another international outreach that has been delayed. This year we are going to do it AGAIN!
-- We are going to worship Jesus with more fervor than ever before during the Advent season. -- Also, we are going to encourage you to spend less on culturally material gifts and offer more gifts of time and effort to the ones we love.
Pay close attention, this is something new -- if you do choose to spend money on a gift, the Advent Conspiracy folks are trying to encourage people to buy their gifts in ways that help to bring people out of abject poverty with the Trade as One or Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee ministries. This seems like such a beautiful win/win situation. We purchase some gifts to give away for Christmas (there are some people that we must buy for) while supporting a business in an area of horrendous poverty instead of just sending money.
-- As usual, we are going to have a special offering on December 20 to give more to the Kingdom and whatever is given that day will go to Gideon 300. Your gifts to Gideon 300 will enable us to focus on Kingdom mission here at home where we fight against a poverty of a different kind -- that of the soul. Or, you can give more by going online and supporting Advent Conspiracy's Living Water International, or the other two ministries directly (see below).
-- And, we are going to love all by partnering with these ministries that make a difference in lives, both in St. Francois County and all over the world during the Advent season.

You can check out more about worship more, spend less, give more, love, and Living Water International at Advent Conspiracy's website at
You can help with world poverty by doing your Christmas shopping at
Another suggestion to help with an Advent Conspiracy on an international level is to by some bulk bags of coffee from Thousand Hills Coffee and give it as a gift or donate it back to the church. You can check this one out at

Watch the video on the Trade as One website. I think this can be our greatest Advent Conspiracy ever. We can support some folks battling world poverty AND set a goal to wipe out about 15 units (clay pots) in Gideon 300 here at home. This would be over and above our regular giving and Gideon commitments. Ask God's Spirit to MOVE your family in this season. Rely on Him to the point that you and others are STUNNED by what He does to make this happen for His glory during season that should be simply about His GLORY!