Thursday, January 6, 2011

Missional Cell Prayer Challenge

Just sent my missional cell a prayer challenge. Thought you might like to see if you have the guts to pray it with us.

I challenge you to do something immediately. I want you to stop and pray this right now wherever you are.

"God, we desperately need You."
"Oh God, we love you and are willing to listen to Your heart's desires."
"Oh God have mercy on us, the wretched sinners that we are." "Forgive us for seeking our own way."
"We love you for your Gospel."
"Thank you for Jesus." "We love you and worship you alone, Jesus!"
"We love Jesus and will serve Jesus alone."
"Bring the power of your Holy Spirit to bear on our daily study this week."
Pray it again -- "Bring the power of your Holy Spirit to bear on our daily study this week."
"If we discover that I am being disobedient in ANY WAY, give us the the faith the power to repent and obey your commands."
"We love you."
In the magnificent name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you mean it? Do you want all of His Word? All of His desires? All for His Glory. Pray for more faith. He grants every ounce of faith that you have. You don't conjure it up -- that is why we worship HIM. Pray for more mercy. Repent and believe the Gospel. Really believe. Put it into practice. Give something away today that you don't think you can live without. Stop protecting your stuff -- you don't have any stuff. Pray that he reveal His gifts to you and that you POWERFULLY put them into practice today.
Some of you want to pray about all of your problems right now. Get the focus off of you and onto the One and Only, and your problems will minimize. You can address those problems with Him later. Look at Jesus right now; not your earthly problems.
Keep praying for the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT all week. You cannot say it too much.

Did I mention praying for the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT?
We are weak. HE is strong. HE will give us what we need, not what we want. HE is all we need!

Aren't you glad I had some time this morning.

Love you more than you know,
