Monday, November 23, 2009


Thought for the day -- Prayer always attracts the Holy Spirit! (TT)
Ben kept using the word 'abide' yesterday as the key to developing the fruit of the Spirit, and I was thinking about what that means. One definition of the word is 'to dwell, to remain in a place.' I think there is kind of this cool little triangle where Paul says, "pray without ceasing." THAT is abiding in the vine (John 15). We spend our time in the presence of God. That is abiding, remaining in a place -- that is praying without ceasing. As we work, His presence is overarching. As we study, His presence is overarching. As we parent or play, His presence is overarching. As we seek him in this prayer - this abiding, it always attracts the Holy Spirit, and when the Holy Spirit is present, He is working -- working to develop fruit. God says abide in Me (allow Me to be preeminent in all your doings), and I will abide in you. God's abiding in us has to change us.
It is when we go it alone that we lose our patience.
It is when we go it alone that we are not loving (high view of self instead of others).
It is when we go it alone that we feel no peace.
It is when we go it alone that we feel no deep sense of satisfaction regardless of our circumstances (no joy).
It is when we go it alone that we are not kind, not gentle, not faithful, and not full of self-control.
The GROWING IT of our Christian faith is about abiding -- inviting God to reign and rule and teach all truth 24/7 -- to remain in that place.
How attached to the vine am I this morning? You?
Jesus says, "Apart from me you can do nothing." That is pretty plain.


Holly said...

You are right. I ask him to take the throne of my life daily and help me to release any control over to him. We can't do anything on our own but I sure do like knowing that THROUGH CHRIST I can do all things! Good post Tim.