Monday, March 3, 2008


Anyone who has watched God develop me into a leader knows that I have always been more of a 'quality' focus kind of guy when it comes to church growth rather than a 'quantity' guy. It drives me crazy to see churches focusing on evangelism to the exclusion of Biblical literacy, service to the church, service to those in need, stewardship, training leaders, etc., so it may have seemed a little out of character as I shared some of my thoughts about God's vision for The Bridge at last night's visioning session that involved numbers. I also believe that many people at The Bridge have a huge heart for lost people. Therefore, I proposed that we work toward 1000 in worship on Easter Sunday and 1000 as an average worship Celebration attendance at the beginning of 2009. I also proposed that we have 7 men and 7 women attend the Walk to Emmaus -- that 70 people attend Leadership Bible Study this summer and 70 more attend Crown Financial in the fall. Also, I proposed that we finish our new building by August.

If you missed last night, the visioning was based on the following passage of scripture:;&version=31;
My point was that the supernatural flow of God's oil only stopped when human beings ran out of jars for Him to fill. I then asked the 60 people present what jars are we supposed to set before God for Him to fill with His supernatural presence. Whatever those jars consist of are the vision of our church. Because of our church's mission which is to set as many people before God as possible that are God-lovers and people lovers (Great Commandment, Matthew 22), to show them how to allow God to transform these people into fully devoted followers of Christ in growth and discipleship (Great Commission, Matthew 28), and to locate needs of the "least of these" people and fill those needs (Great Adventure, Matthew 25), I believe that people are the primary jars. Primarily, we are in the PEOPLE business.

Here is our MISSION for as many people as possible:
1. Show people how to love God and love people -- Great Commandment
2. Teach people how to become a fully-devoted disciple of Jesus Christ -- Great Commission
3. Locate needs of people and involve the Kingdom to fill them -- Great Adventure.

We are not interested in numbers because we want to be able to say that we are biggest church around or so that we get invited to speak at church growth conferences. The numbers themselves are not important, but every one of them represent a jar that has been placed before the God of the Universe, so that He can fill it for His glory. We are just doing our jobs -- doing what we have been commanded to do if we love Him.

Our people at the session correctly identified children and youth as key jars for us to gather and set at the oil spout. This is where numbers for a critical mass are a factor again. More people must be brought into the church to serve as Bridge Kids cell leaders and youth cell leaders and support teams. We can talk about that these young people are important jars, but we have been searching for months for new cell leaders in both of these critical areas, and the same disciples who were in these roles basically from when we started the church are still there. New blood must roll in to teach and disciple these young minds. The alternative is that we have become this evangelistic church that does not grow its people. That is squarely against our mission.

In addition to people though, there are many jars of capacity, environments, and systems. The building is necessary, but we need to make more capacity where we are in the meantime. I heard of a lot of great jars last night that will fit into the Great Adventure Project, but we need to be growing our church numbers so that there will be disciples to be able to carry these great projects out. One of the most important things that I heard last night was the jar of assimilating the people that come to visit us. Once someone checks us out, let's make sure that they stay. Sometimes it is a whole lot harder to get someone to stay and get involved than it is to talk them into the visit in the first place. Let's be intentional with the folks that we invite -- offer them a cell family, a First Serve opportunity, an invitation to dinner, whatever it takes to connect them so that they want to stay.

I am convinced that God has an oil spout sitting over St. Francois County. He is ready to pour! He just needs some jars! Let's go to our neighbors and get them for Him! He is worth it; He is King; Let's glorify His Holy name!