Monday, March 10, 2008

A Week with Me -- Part 4

Spring Break starts today at MAC, so I don't have to go to work today. That would be really exciting except that I am going to have to seek out a doctor to look at this wrecked knee. I have to confess being frustrated with it and a little scared. It is not quite right. Good worship at The Crossing in Columbia yesterday though. Those guys are getting it done.

Monday, March 10
I prayed through the scripture 2 Corinthians 6:3-18 this morning and Paul's topic was not being 'yoked' with unbelievers. My prayer was that I asked God for clarity about how far to take that command. I know that we are not to marry an unbeliever or get into business with one, but we are to maintain contact with the unbelieving world so as to show them the love of Christ and win them to the Kingdom. I was led into a prayer of thanksgiving and praise for God putting Kelley (my wife) and Justin (my son) into my life as believers. I do not deserve them, but they are such a blessing. I also am extraordinarily blessed by being surrounded in our church family with such strong people of faith. Our staff at The Bridge is unbelievable in its collective faith and belief in Christ. I lifted them all up in prayer and praise to God this morning. I asked God to reveal my sin (where am I self-centered as not to give these people what they need?) toward my family and my staff, so that I can do a better job leading both. I also asked that he provide great clarity about how to be in relationship with the world to maximize Christ's impact with them. This had been a solid morning of prayer created by God setting the prayer agenda in 2 Corinthians.