Monday, May 5, 2008

What a Night!

Recently, I was excited when Lance Smith asked me to come and speak to his chapel service at the Bonne Terre Correctional Institute. If I had not already spoken about Christ to death row at the Potosi prison, I would have been a little nervous. I really had been looking forward to ministering to these men. Last night was the night and man, was I in for a shock. I was the one that got ministered to. I expected about 15 or 20 men and I would go in and give the 4 chair talk and they would receive some important message from God. I never anticipated almost 100 men -- and a band -- and faces of anticipation and praise -- and immediate reation to the calling of the talk to a willing life of discipleship. They did not blink an eye when I told them that a relationship with God required complete repentance and a willingness to "go anywhere, do anything, at any cost for you, my King." These men receive a lot of pressure from other inmates for their faith, but they are ready to change that section of the world. Some of them will get out and have an incredible impact on the outside world. They will be welcome at The Bridge (especially the dancing a/v/worship director, Korleone).
Their level of worship was one to be admired. I was amazed by the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. I love The Bridge, but this was the best worship level I have experienced in a long time. OK, OK -- the Night of Praise was pretty awesome. What I am trying to tell you is that this was really special. There are men in our community not quite the same today -- I am one of them.